

The People feature in BuildBetter is a management tool that provides a comprehensive view of all the individuals involved in your calls. It allows you to view and manage all the people associated with your calls in one place.


The People feature offers a consolidated view of all the individuals involved in your calls, allowing you to keep track of who's who easily. This can be particularly beneficial when dealing with large teams or multiple calls involving different individuals.

How to Use

To use the People feature:

  1. Navigate to the "People" section on the left-hand side menu.
  2. Here, you will see a list of all the individuals involved in your calls.
  3. You can click on each individual to view more details, or use the search bar at the top to find specific individuals.

Use Cases

The People feature is useful in various scenarios:

  • When you need to quickly find the contact details of an individual involved in a call.
  • When you want to see a list of all the individuals involved in your calls.
  • When you need to manage the individuals associated with your calls.

Common Issues

Users may sometimes have difficulty finding a specific individual or may feel overwhelmed by the number of individuals listed.


If you're having trouble finding a specific individual, try using the search bar at the top of the People section. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of individuals listed, consider organizing them using tags for easier navigation.


  • Can I search for individuals using multiple filters? Yes, you can use multiple filters such as name, role, and tags to narrow down your search.
  • Is there a limit to the number of individuals displayed in the People section? No, all individuals involved in your calls will be displayed in the People section.


If you need further assistance or encounter any other issues, feel free to contact our support team.